We are Team XBOT. In the words of our teammates: Tayo ay XBOT, Wǒmen shì XBOT, Somos XBOT, Chúng tôi là XBOT, Watashitachi wa XBOT, Sisi ni XBOT. Our team, headquartered at Franklin High school – Seattle, WA, is comprised of students from one of the most diverse zip codes in the nation: 54% of us speak English as a second language, 70% are in free/reduced lunch programs, and 92% are students of color. XBOT empowers our diverse community. Before joining the team, many of us did not plan to pursue higher education. By becoming members of the team, we get the opportunity to work with mentors and experience the engineering process to gain the skills and mindset we need to go to school and overcome obstacles in our future careers. XBOT builds meaningful relationships, provides valuable opportunities to spread STEM in our communities, and assists us in overcoming economic hardship.